Biannka Brannigan

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“This is how I’m crazy…tell me how you’re crazy?”A Roadmap to Make New Love Work

In the world of modern relationships, the journey of finding a suitable partner can often be daunting and overwhelming. Many of us enter relationships with the desire to present our best selves, fearing that revealing our vulnerabilities and imperfections might scare potential partners away.  Leading with, “I have a tendency to be really lazy and I hate washing up” has probably never been top of mind when meeting someone new… However, philosopher Alain de Botton urges us to take a different approach. He encourages us to embrace our true selves, including the crazy parts, and share these aspects with our potential partners. By acknowledging and accepting our quirks and flaws, we can create an environment of openness, vulnerability, and genuine connection, ultimately fostering stronger and more authentic relationships.

Knowing Ourselves: Unravelling the Complex Layers Within

The first step towards building meaningful connections with others is to truly know ourselves.

Self-awareness is an ongoing journey that requires introspection, reflection, and acceptance of all aspects of our personality, including the quirky and sometimes irrational parts. In the busyness of daily life, it's easy to get caught up in the external demands and expectations, losing touch with our inner selves. However, taking the time to explore our thoughts, emotions, and motivations leads us to a deeper understanding of who we are.

Self-awareness enables us to identify our strengths and weaknesses, our triggers, and our patterns of behaviour. By understanding our emotional landscape, we gain valuable insights into our inner world, paving the way for healthier interactions with potential partners. When we are in touch with our emotions, we can communicate our needs and boundaries effectively, avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts that may arise from suppressed feelings or unexpressed desires.

Accepting Imperfections: The Beauty in Our Crazy Parts

The process of self-discovery can be both liberating and challenging. As we uncover our imperfections, we may be tempted to hide them, fearing that they might be deal-breakers in a relationship. However, it is crucial to realize that everyone has their own idiosyncrasies and peculiarities. Embracing our imperfections not only makes us more authentic but also allows us to be more compassionate towards ourselves and others.

To embrace our crazy parts, we need to let go of the unrealistic expectations we often place upon ourselves. Perfection is an unattainable goal, and trying to maintain a facade of flawlessness can be exhausting.

By accepting our quirks and imperfections, we free ourselves from the burden of constantly pretending to be something we're not and we’re also taking responsibility for ourselves. Imagine starting with something like…” I have a tendency to be a little lazy and this has driven my previous partners crazy.  What I know about this, is that the laziness actually hides my real fear of failing and not meeting my exceptionally high expectations of myself, so instead of trying…I tend to not do anything…but I am working on it and I’m looking forward to not feeling so paralysed by the thought of not being good at something”.   

This newfound self-acceptance brings a sense of peace and contentment, making us more comfortable in our own skin and better prepared to share our authentic selves with potential partners.

Creating a Safe Space: Connection Over Perfection

In a world that often prioritizes perfection and masks vulnerability, sharing our true selves can feel risky. However, when we take that leap and open up to potential partners about our crazy parts, we create a safe space for emotional intimacy to flourish.

Vulnerability is the cornerstone of deep connections, and by demonstrating our willingness to share our vulnerabilities, we encourage our partners to do the same.

The beauty of vulnerability lies in its ability to build trust and create a profound emotional bond. When we allow ourselves to be seen in our entirety, including our eccentricities and insecurities, we communicate that we trust our partner enough to be our authentic selves. In return, our partners are more likely to reciprocate, deepening the level of emotional connection in the relationship.

Breaking Down the Masks: Moving Beyond Projected Perfection

Society often encourages us to present a polished and idealized version of ourselves, especially during the early stages of a relationship. It is tempting to put on masks to appear flawless, fearing that our true selves might not be enough. However, projecting perfection is unsustainable and can lead to disconnection in the long run.

When we instead choose to be transparent about our imperfections, we break down the barriers that hinder genuine connection. Our potential partners may feel relieved to see the real us, as it gives them permission to let their guard down as well. By embracing our crazy parts, we invite our partners to see us as multifaceted individuals with strengths and weaknesses, just like them.

Navigating Challenges: Building Resilience through Honesty

No relationship is without its challenges, and conflicts are a natural part of human interaction. When we have openly shared our crazy parts with our partners, navigating these challenges becomes less daunting. Honesty about our weaknesses and vulnerabilities enables us to approach conflicts with a sense of humility and understanding.

Acknowledging our imperfections does not mean that we allow them to define us or the relationship. Instead, it empowers us to work on personal growth and seek support when needed. By acknowledging our own crazy parts, we become more attuned to our partner's vulnerabilities as well, making us better equipped to respond with empathy and compassion during difficult times.

In the journey of finding love and meaningful connections, embracing our imperfections and sharing our crazy parts with potential partners is a powerful act of vulnerability and authenticity. By knowing ourselves deeply and accepting all aspects of our personality, we create an environment of empathy and understanding that strengthens the foundation of our relationships.

 Honesty about our quirks and flaws allows us to break free from the shackles of projected perfection, fostering genuine connections built on trust and mutual acceptance. As we navigate the inevitable challenges that arise in relationships, the power of knowing ourselves and our crazy parts becomes a guiding light that leads us to resilient and fulfilling partnerships. Embracing our authentic selves, quirks and all, is the key to fostering lasting and deeply meaningful connections in an ever-changing world.  Let me know if you need support bringing more awareness to how you do your life.