What is Gestalt Psychotherapy?
Gestalt Psychotherapy is a holistic, humanistic therapy that believes that people are born with the resources and abilities to lead a rewarding and creative life and to have meaningful and fulfilling relationships with others. Gestalt psychotherapy has been applied to a wide range of therapeutic settings, including individual therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, organizational development, community development and family therapy. Gestalt Psychotherapy is dynamic, powerful and life changing. Book your appointment with Biannka, psychotherapist and councillor in Cairns, Kuranda, Queensland, Australia.
5 Practices to Alleviate Anxiety
Often when we are in the midst of feeling anxious, it’s hard to know what will help us feel better. Below I have listed 5 practices to alleviate anxiety and calm our nervous system to slow down (think…a long noisy exhale) and shift our perspective. The practices are not about changing or denying your experience but they will allow you to better understand what is causing the anxiety. These are my trusty 5 that I incorporate in my life very regularly and I hope that they help you find some relief too. Reach out to Biannka, Cairns Counsellor and Psychotherapist based in Kuranda, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.